Ambar Family Genealogy

Discovering our Old and New World Ancestors

Saleh Ambar

Born in 1886 in Bagdad, Saleh Ambar was sent to Cairo as a child, to be raised by his uncle Meir. In 1909 he married Aimée Azoulai.

Welcome to the Ambar Family Website

This website contains the genealogy of the Ambar families that moved from the Middle East to the Americas and Europe, as well as the many inter-related families that together represent 5 continents and many religions.

Our family tree currently contains 1,200 individuals and 418 families (click here to see more statistics). To find a relative, start your search using the Find drop-down menu above or browse the list of Top Surnames below.

Most of the information in this database has been kindly supplied by our relatives, to which due credit hereby is gratefully expressed. If you have any additions, corrections, photos or documents that you would like to share, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Due to privacy concerns this website does not display any personal information of individuals believed to be living. If you are a family member who would like log in credentials to access private information, again please feel free to contact me.

I hope you enjoy the website and that it may help you discover new members of your wide flung family.

Mayer & Marie Ambar

Born in Cairo in 1926, Mayer Ambar moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1946 in search of opportunities and adventure. In 1951 he married Marie Dayé.