Ambar Family Genealogy

Discovering our Old and New World Ancestors

Surname List: Begins with C

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All surnames beginning with C, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Canales Olaechea (1)
2. Castañeda (3)
3. Castañeda Carvajal (1)
4. Chavez (1)
5. Chemoula (22)
   6. Choueka (1)
7. Choueke (1)
8. Chulam (13)
9. Cisneros (1)
10. Cisneros Peña (1)
   11. Cohen (5)
12. Collier (1)
13. Córdova Montes de Oca (1)
14. Corrêa (1)
15. Coutinho (5)
   16. Covo (1)
17. Cueva (16)
18. Cueva Garcia (1)
19. Cueva Goicochea (8)
20. Cueva Monzón (2)
   21. Cueva Olivar (2)
22. Cueva Ramos (2)
23. Cueva Valdivieso (2)
24. Cuevas Lardies (2)
25. Cuevas Olivar (1)